Jan 31, 2025

Check Out Timless Titles...Happy Blog-iversary to Me!

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 Here are some links to earlier posts. I've been doing this for a long time. The idea for this post came to mind when i read a a piece in the NEW YORK TIMES, a  turnaround on their doom-and gloom- prediction that picture books had a limited future, were maybe even pointless. That prediction spurred me to launch this blog thirteen years ago this month. Since that launch, picture books have not only survived, they have bloomed, innovated, sustained sales, and continued to build fans among those sitting on laps up through those moving into adulthood. Picture books are wide-ranging and usually indicate target ages or contents. Picture books are a distinct format/form that allows for communication unlike any other approach. Click above  on my blog note if you are interested in reading my brief thesis on the matter. Click PICTURE BOOKS if you'd like to see some of the best picture books of 2024.

It's gratifying to know that my deeply held belief in the value and wide uses picture books has been confirmed. I also appreciate having developed many consistent readers. My posts have included recent releases over that time, some of which were award winners and many of which have found firm footing in their  publishers' catalogues. (Sustaining sales over a decade or more is a huge accomplishment in today's book business.)

I will link (below) to several past favorites in this post. Feel free to  explore any of my other prior posts by using the ARCHIVES tab on the right column, or typing a key work or author into the search bar. I welcome your comments and reactions, on this post or prior ones. ENJOY!

Some terrific biographies, from about decade ago: HERE.

A few classic "dealing with a bully" books: HERE.

I've been lucky to include some great author or illustrator interviews. Here's a favorite.

Many picture books that draw my closest attention combine informative text with beautifully lyrical language. Here's one you should really give a close look.

As I scrolled back through posts from these many years I was struck not just by the continuing success of picture books (in the publishing world that means steady/growing sales), but also the ever-escalating quality of newer releases. The bar for excellence gets higher and higher, and the creators and publishers continue to strive, achieve, and surpass. This week the American Library Association held their annual announcement of award winning books/media for young people (birth through twenty). You can find more information, including a video of the announcements to share with your students, and the full list of winners HERE to put on your hold list or wish lists.

(I'll be sharing some of the picture book winners and honors in a post soon, but don't wait!)

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Picture books are as versatile and diverse as the readers who enjoy them. Join me to explore the wacky, wonderful, challenging and changing world of picture books.