Dec 23, 2023

A Christmas (Eve) Recap

 For those who celebrate a western tradition of Christmas on December 25 (ands also for those who celebrate other seasonal holidays or Eastern dates for Christmas or ignore holidays) this is recap of some of the picture books I've shared over the years, including the current publishing year.

If you are a fan of picture books at all, this bouquet of beauties will lift your spirits and please your eyes and ears. (For those who have yet to fall in love with picture books, this collection might win you over!)

Beaming Books, 2023

Starting with my "this season" favorite that has already landed on MANY best-of-year lists is a book that is certainly destined to be a classic, Take a look (HERE) at my glowing praise for LULLABY FOR THE KING, written by the incomparable Nikki Grimes with luminous illustrations by Michelle Carlos. 

Levine Quiredo, 2021

In recent years an equally compelling holiday picture book conveys a fictionalized version of true events, a story of anti-semitism and hate that is playing out across out country today. Of course, the ending is based on those real events and reveals the most uplifting of choices among the community surrounding the targets of such hate. RED AND GREEN AND BLUE AND WHITE (reviewed HERE), was created by the immense talents of Lee Wind and Paul O. Zelinsky. I gifted this book multiple times this season because the message is both necessary and inspiring, revealed for any age through effective storytelling and illustrations that are both luminous and emotionally powerful. Sadly, the origin story for this one goes back to 1993  and the hatred is rooted many centuries earlier.

Kids Can Press, 2012

Dipping back a decade, one of my favorite characters is a perfect fit for the youngest readers, guaranteed to generate laughs on each page turn (and repeat readings, guaranteed!). Adult readers will be chuckling right along and might be surprised by the astute observations and details noticed by those little lap friends sharing the book. SCAREDY SQUIRREL PREPARES FOR CHRISTMAS: A Safety Guide for Scaredies is both written and illustrated by Melanie Watt. Whether this book introduces you to Scaredy or  brings him to a new situation for you (among the countless situations that scare the tail off of him), you'll love this one season after season.

Kalliot Books, 2023

How often have you heard (or said), "If only the Christmas Spirit could last all year. *sigh*"? This next, also recent picture book, is not actually a holiday book despite wintery scenes. In fact, OUT AND ABOUT: A STORY OF GIVING, is a tale of sustaining that giving, caring attitude throughout the year. It is also about passing down values, the concern for and action to support others and their needs, which could not only continue the holiday spirit through the year but across generations. Just imagine what that world would be like. Written by Liza Wiemer and illustrated by Margeaux Lucas, this story/family reveal the ways in which we can move ourselves from a sense of caring and empathy into action, not requiring an occasion to do so. 

To this last offering, firmly set in contemporary families and situations, I'll add one last link that I've shared several times since the first post. My childhood memory and reflections on my own family include a short poem I wrote for my own family based on actual events as a child. May anyone reading this (and everyone else!) look around in the days, past, present, and coming, to recognize and celebrate the blessings you find in your lives- even when surrounded by struggles or concerns.  I wish you all many moments of peace, joy, generosity, and security.

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Picture books are as versatile and diverse as the readers who enjoy them. Join me to explore the wacky, wonderful, challenging and changing world of picture books.