Jun 16, 2024

Father's Day Reminder


Pen It! Publications, 2021

If you happen to have a copy of my picture book, IS IT OVER?, you might pull it out to share on this FATHERS' DAY. Illustrator Rebeca S. Hirsch (now working as R. S. Hirsch) transformed a story of my heart to one with multi-layered characters and powerful imagery. The theme of this book is the power of storytelling to provide comfort, and in reaching out to others who need help we often help ourselves. 

Naturally, that storytelling power is magnified within a loving, trusting relationship, and shared stories fuel memories to strengthen those bonds. 

Another even more recent picture book with a surprise military dad element is WITH DAD, written by Richard Jackson and sensitively illustrated by the multi-award-winning  Brian Floca. It, too, features a memorable shared experience that encompasses and expands the deepest connections between a father and child.


Other suggestions for picture books for this special day can be found in earlier posts HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE or simply type FATHERS DAY in the search box ( over there>>>) to find even more from the archives of this blog. 

Whether your father is still alive or not, is your biological sire or your father by circumstance or choice, is young, old, ill or fit, consider experiences you've shared that epitomize your relationship. I hope that those stories involved trust and deep emotions. If so, consider  sharing a memorable story or two with your dad, if possible,  or with someone who knew them if he is no longer here, or with anyone who knows YOU well. Storytelling is a way of strengthening bonds, and we can all use more of those. They can even become bridges to people who might otherwise not feel close to us. Give it a try, or use one of these picture book recommendations to encourage sharing stories with others. 

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