Jun 15, 2019

A Fathers' Day Round-up of Picture Book Favorites

Rather than focus on asingle  new title for Fathers' Day I'm falling linking up some recent favorites on this topic from my own posts, and suggesting recommendations from some other bloggers/reviewers.

Combining these sources means a very long list of special books for and about dads (and dad-surrogates) and their relationships with their kids emerges. One of the most recent releases is featured in my post about Chris Raschke's SIDE BY SIDE. It has also turned up in several other posts starring Fathers' Day recommendations, including this post by Horn Book

There are so many wonderful things to say about this book, not least among them the expansively diverse representation of the pictured pairs and their varied activities and personalities. The deepest value I found in it was the unstated but undeniable truth that time spent together, fully present (i.e., not glued to a screen!), is the richest and most robust gift a child and a parent will ever exchange.

Next is my post about JABARI JUMPS, with reflections on my own dad. This title, too, appears on several other lists. Whenever I prepare to write a post, I take the time to see if I'll be repeating what someone else has already said-- or not. I'll admit that discovering how popular my favorites are with others can be a bit frustrating, because I feel real excitement when it seems I might be introducing news about wonderful books that readers have yet to discover. 
On the other hand, it is gratifying to see my own appreciation of particular books being shared by others who deeply respect and enjoy picture books. It also allows me to recommend some outstanding bloggers you might want to follow. In this case, check out what Davina Hamilton has to say about JABARI JUMPS, here.

The books above and most that are featured in others' posts are recent releases.even so, a few  classics are included, such as PAPA DO YOU LOVE ME? by Barbara Joosse and Barbara Lavallee.
I'll add my own throwback favorite to the mix, a title that didn't pop up among the many blogs featuring Fathers' Day titles, THE BOYS, by Jeff Newman. Perhaps it was overlooked because it isn't really a "dad" story as much as it is a story about the power of role models and mentors, a sort of barber shop culture in which young people can feel safe and valued, even if being gently teased by the adults. 
If this "old" title (2010) is new to you, or is one you've known and forgotten, please do a favor for yourself and someone who cares for kids, especially boys, and recommend this book. It's wordless, which makes it ideal for any age and especially for relationships in which one or both sides of the age span lacks the ability to read English. In this case, the visual reading is a rich and universal narrative of hopes, dreams, and support, liberally laced with humor. You'll see what I mean, beginning with this post. 
Some other  blogs you may want to read include COOL MOMS, featuring very recent releases, Abby the Librarian which includes some titles I've mentioned and others, too, that are favorites of mine. And PEACHTREE PRESS, a favorite picture book publisher   presenting Fathers' Day offerings from their newer titles and their backlist of terrific choices. Finally, Brightly Blog presents a wide selection with brief notes, and each is something very special.
So, my gift to you is not only an extensive selection of titles for Fathers' Day, but an array of wonderful picture book bloggers for your investigation. You might want to subscribe to one or more of these to have further great suggestions pop into your inbox on a regular basis. 
Finally, here's a link to a prior post singing the praises of dads and sharing more thoughts about my own father.  Those of you who still have a father in your life, hug him one extra time for me and all the others who no longer can do that with our own fathers.
Miss you, dad. 

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