Aug 14, 2024

PERFECT SHAPES: A Tribute to Mr. Pei (I. M. Pei)

 Welcome back after a brief break to deal with some changes in my life. Meanwhile, I've been reading even though not sharing much here for a few weeks. Buckle up for a series of brief but exciting (I hope) recommendations for new picture books. 


First up is MR. PEI'S PERFECT SHAPES: The Story of Ar\chitect I. M. Pei, written by Julie Leung and illustrated by Yifan WuThis nonfiction account of the life of architect I. M. Pei is inspiring and accessible to a wide range of readers. The early years of Pei in China provided a lifelong inspiration for admiring beauty and longevity in nature and in constructions. His training and career in architecture led him to America and beyond, eventually designing iconic structures throughout the world. Each is distinctly innovative and reveals Pei's sense of space, shape, nature, and balance. No two are alike and  each is uniquely suited to its climate, landscape, purpose, and culture. 

I learned a great deal about Pei, even though I've read about him in the past and long-admired his buildings. The text is straightforward but sensitive to Pei's personality and talent, revealing his drive  to create structures beyond any one "type", structures that would not only stand the test of time, but continue to reflect and celebrate their surroundings and populations.
Back matter is helpful with a timeline of his projects and also resources for video and other further investigation. 
The illustrations are realistic enough to portray cultural locations and characteristic structural elements featured in Pei's designs, but also reflect a sort of geometric abstraction, interpretation, and vibrant color that make his creations nearly magical. 

This is a worthy account of an incredible man and his accomplishments. His success is undisputed and this book will be welcomed by many.

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