
Nov 4, 2015


In case you missed the post that launched this series, here's a quick reminder. I'm attempting to feature some outstanding fiction picture books from among the many nominated in that category for this year's Cybils award. 
Keep in mind that these are my own opinions and DO NOT reflect discussions among the  Round One Panel Members.
If you care to follow any of the other ratings or reviews I've been listing on Goodreads during this process, check out my posts here.

And so, kind readers, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to tonight's nominee, certainly the book with the longest title:

TOYS MEET SNOW: Being the Wintertime Adventures of a Curious Stuffed Buffalo, A Sensitive Plush Stingray, and a Book-loving Rubber Ball, written by Emily Jenkins and illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky.

Schwartz and Wade Books, September, 2015

Here's what I had to say on Goodreads:

"Full disclosure: I am such a fan of the TOYS chapter book series that I opened this, their first picture book,  convinced that I'd love it. Sometimes that happens and I have to admit disappointment, even if slight. 
In this case, TOYS MEET SNOW  met and exceeded my expectations. 
I love these characters, and seeing them in color, in their delightfully determined, cooperative adventure to explore the snow, made a sheer fantasy surprisingly believable. Their distinct personalities radiate across horizontal double-spread illustrations that amplify their distinctive points of view regarding the natural/magical world. 
What a wonderful experience this will be for even the youngest readers, but equally for anyone of any age who knows (or even suspected) that those toys filling our lives have secret lives as rich as our own. Pair this with the three short chapter books featuring Lumphy, Starfish, and Plastic, as well as Kevin Henkes's recent picture book, WAITING.
That's what I call an outstanding adventure for anyone."

Now, not to brag or anything, but I wrote that more than a month before the Publishers' Weekly lists of Best Books for 2015 came out. Wouldn't you know they included TOYS MEET SNOW among their best picture books? Congratulations, Emily and Paul.

If you aren't aware of the series that introduced and developed these three remarkable characters (and others), be sure to check them out here: TOYS GO OUT, TOY DANCE PARTY, and TOYS COME HOME (each with equally long subtitles). 

Dutton Children's Books, September, 2015
While you're at it, click on Paul's name above. (Or here: PAUL O. ZELINSKY) It will take you right to his website homepage where you can join in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of his closest-thing-to-perfect interactive picture book, WHEELS ON THE BUS! He's offering fun and easy opportunities to win a 25th Anniversary Commemorative Edition! Even if you have an original copy (and every family should), this one is worth having. 

Holidays are ahead, and if these don't make it onto your shopping list some young readers will be missing out on the best of the best in children's books.

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