
Sep 18, 2015

Exciting News to Share: CYBILS Panelist for Fiction Picture Books!

And here it is:  the gorgeous logo for the CYBILS 2015 Children's and Young Adult Literary Awards.
For those not familiar with the CYBILS awards, you can learn about their mission, history, process, and ways to become involved from this page of the CYBILS website. (Here)

Ever since the awards began, I've nominated my own favorites in most categories, followed the process and progress of the many titles being evaluated, and read with excitement (and sometimes smug satisfaction) the eventual award winning titles.

This year I decided to take a leap and apply to serve on the Stage One panel of judges for fiction picture books. After all, the worst that could happen is they'd say "No, thank you." I'm not the sort who withers in the wake of rejection, and I'd be reading as many of the nominated titles as possible whether I was selected or not. 

In the fiction picture book category there are sometimes hundreds of titles nominated! Here's a link to the 2014 finalists in the category with additional links to the prior years. An amazing array of titles, right? Reading and narrowing down a huge list of wonderful titles to arrive at these must have been an overwhelming challenge. Hmmm... maybe not getting picked for that responsibility would be a good thing. That's what I told myself after clicking to submit my application.

So, are you ready for my news?  Please, please, please say "YES!" Oh, ready or not... 

I was selected for the 

ROUND ONE panel of judges!

Even though my pre-emptive rationalization/consolation if not selected was totally valid, I'm genuinely jazzed (and humbled and honored) to be included in the 2015 process. I received the news from the category chair, Terry Doherty (@readingtub, @thereadingtub, and her website: 
I'll be sharing the panel responsibilities with bloggers April Crews (@writerindc and, Hannah DeCamp (@hrdreads), Sondy Eklund (@sonderbooks,, Maggi Rhode (@mama_librarian,, Carrie Charley Brown (@carriebrowntx, Carry on...Together) and Jodell Sadler (

When you click their sites (not if, WHEN) you'll see what amazing backgrounds, expertise, passion, and experience they bring to this process. To learn even more, the official CYBILS announcement about our category of judges is HERE. Take some time to check out the other categories, too, including the nonfiction picture books. 

Be sure to  nominate your own favorite titles in the categories you read and enjoy from October 1-15. The process is easy and it's a great way to send a shout out to books you love. Trust me, those of us on the panels will begin reading your nominations as soon as they roll in, and the earlier the better!

So, stay tuned, take part, and read along with us! 


  1. That's exactly how I felt when I got picked! SQUEEE!! Are you doing ANYTHING besides reading? I'm worried I'm going to hit a saturation point soon.

    1. Hi, Debbie! Thanks for stopping by to share the excitement and to let me know about your experiences. I am thoroughly enjoying the reading, reviewing, evaluating, and comparing, but the heaviest work is still to come. I agree, it seems we could get overloaded, but I sure hope not- never too many picture books- or chocolate!
