
Jan 14, 2015

Sharing Another "Kindred Spirit" Post

Once again I'm sharing a post about picture books from another source. This one caught me from the first lines. I was all but singing the Halleluiah Chorus!

YES, picture books are for older readers. 
YES, the content has relevance for older readers.
YES, everyone should be reading these titles, and the entire essay.

I hope this quotation by blogger/educator Valerie Stein will convince you to read the full post:

"I have found that one great way to connect with students and to engage that deeper thinking is to use picture books. It’s easy to discount this format as “too young” for many students, but in reality, even the simplest-seeming of them can be powerful tools for scaffolding a topic, for generating new questions, and most importantly, for beginning a conversation with students that gets them thinking more deeply about a subject in new and different ways."
AMEN, sister, AMEN!
The titles featured in her post are particularly suited to discussions that should take place in classrooms at any time, but particularly now, when questions of war, terrorism, and violence are splashed across screens on a daily if not hourly basis.
Sharing this post with you is a shortcut for posting my own thoughts, I admit it, but if I had days and days to create a post on these books and this topic, I wouldn't have done as well. Do me a favor, do your self a favor, and click over to read it now. HERE. 
Then get your hands on these books and share them with people- especially with older readers.

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