
Mar 14, 2012

Sharing Titles About Women in Canada's History!

Last week a comment by Jen included a lament that she was struggling to find books about women in the history of Canada and Japan.

I'm back today to pass along some titles, thanks to help that reached me through the Twitter- & Blog-o-spheres. (Until someone informs me of the "proper" names for these social networks, I'll keep using whatever works.)

Rather than send this out to only Jen, I thought I'd Jen-erate this short post with some links to the titles. I was amazed that so few turned up, which means that some others of you may also have felt frustration in your searches. And, of course, I love discovering new books for myself and sharing resources as well.

Thanks to Monica Kulling, a Canadian author who writes about American history, these books are first up:

This is from a series that appears to be similar to our more familiar Magic Treehouse series: an adventurous girl and boy travel back into time in Canada's history. This specific title, Make It Fair, relates to women's rights, if my inferencing skills are holding up.

Next up is collection of 25 stories about dogs featuring a beloved Canadian author/artist: EMILY CARR AND HER DOGS- FLIRT, PUNK, AND LOO. Written and illustrated by Emily Carr, a book with dog stories and wonderful pictures has great appeal for all ages and purposes.

Speaking of the appeal of quality art, I'm on a mission now to learn more about our Canadian neighbor, Emily Carr. FOUR PICTURES BY EMILY CARR, By Nicolas Debon makes a great place to start. I'm a huge fan of Georgia O'Keeffe's art and can't wait to learn more about the life and works of anyone who merits comparison to her.

While I'm thanking Monica for these links, I'll add the titles she offered for adult references:

Extraordinary Canadians: Nellie McClung by Charlotte Gray

Extraordinary Canadians: Lucy Maud Montgomery by Jane Urquhart

Extraordinary Canadians: Emily Carr: A Penguin Lives Biography by Lewis De Soto

Finally, a shout out to another virtual friend, Allison, on Twitter. (@Alli_librarian if you want to follow!) She reminded me of the timeless classic, SADAKO AND THE THOUSAND PAPER CRANES, by Eleanor Coerr, illustrated by Ronald Himler (who also illustrated several of the titles in Monday's post about unsung women in history).

So, *virtual hugs* to Monica and Allison. Jen, I hope you found something here that helps. Once again, I rely on the kindness of strangers and hope to be able to pay it forward soon. If anyone knows of other titles to share, chime in!


  1. Oh yay, yay, yay! What a fantastic post. Thanks so much for taking up my quest. These all look so exciting.

  2. Happy to have been able to help, mainly through the generous sharing of fellow social media friends Monica Kulligan and Allison, the librarian. I'll add other titles if any pop up later. Enjoy!

  3. Medea,
    More good news to share, thanks again to Monica Kulling. A new picture book out from Pajama Press in Toronto features Laura Secord and her role in the War of 1812. Copy/paste this review site:
