
Submission Guidelines for Posts

 ***Alert and APOLOGY*** I recently  became aware of a glitch in my contact tab that was hiding notices and messages from me. As of July, 2019, I reached out to apologize to all those whose messages were neglected  for months or years as a result of missing notification. I will monitor the contact closely now, but anyone who uses the tab and does not get a reply within a few days should contact me via Twitter @PBWORKSHOP or Facebook: Sandy Brehl Author.


I've avoided adding a page to define precisely how and when I select books to review books, authors to interview, and a firm schedule for my posts. I didn't think all of that through when I launched this blog in 2012, but soon after I needed to figure it out. My approach has changed over time and circumstances.

For anyone interested, please understand that these are my arbitrary guides and I preserve the option to vary my approach at times. My purpose is to shine a light on books that are quite good at entertaining, elevating thinking, and sparking curiosity among readers of any age. There are FAR too many titles that offer these benefits for me to engage with them all. Even so, I read as many picture books as possible and write brief reviews of books of all kinds on GOODREADS. (Here's a link.) I welcome suggestions for reading in post comments or in the contacts tab.

Guidelines I follow in writing posts:

  1. I do not write posts about self-published picture books or those that are not easily accessed through standard outlets.This is NOT a judgement about the quality of those books. I've read many outstanding titles in this category. I just don't have the time to review most of the picture books I'd like to feature, new or past. This is one way to narrow the long list of titles awaiting my attention.
  2. I do write posts about books that are recent/current, upcoming releases. I also feature books from the past.
  3. I particularly enjoy interviewing authors, illustrators, and editors when possible. Contact me directly if you are interested in participating, suggesting a new book, or proposing a timely topic related to your platform.
  4. I will only feature books about which I can rave, honestly. Declining to feature a book does not mean it is not an outstanding title for many readers. I taught long enough to know that there are some books that never really named my heart, but were the very book or series that turned an uninterested learner into an avid reader. The WORST thing I can imagine doing is rating or criticizing a book in ways that would discourage a potential reader from giving it a try. Preferences are often a matter of taste, current obsessions, or even whim. It is not my place to let my own less-than-enthusisatic reaction keep someone else from discovering a forever-friend book.
  5.  I welcome advance copies and or sample copies from publishers, but offer no promise of a review of any kind in return. I keep my local library in business and spend more dollars that I should on titles to give as gifts or add to my own collection.(See #4) I will note in the review when I have received a complimentary copy, and note that no promise of a supportive reviewer was given in exchange.
  6. For each title reviewed in this blog I have read dozens of other titles that are not mentioned in the blog. Some, but not all, are added to my Goodreads listings, where they may receive a rating and often a short review. 
  7. The best way to inquire is via the contact tab. ***See above note about conacts.